Market Analysis
According to a five-year outlook released by PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers) on June 13, 2016, global entertainment and media revenues are expected to rise from $1.7 trillion in 2015 to $2.1 trillion in 2020.

Pindify will fill that need.

Providers and consumers of media and entertainment are now gravitating to brands, whole experiences, and platforms that are differentiated as much by the quality of curation, customization, and convenience—as the quality of the content.

Developing content for mere clicks is no longer an effective or credible strategy for advertising. Providers must promote an environment that actively engages fans—galvanizing ideas, shared interests, and experiences, so they will return every day to view and consume new content. At Pindify, current fans and supporters invite new fans where they consume free and premium content in the marketplace. Pindify promotes a strong sense of community where we appreciate our Pindify Providers. They are our most valuable asset.  


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The Landscape
The 10’s are already seeing disruptors taking steps to fulfill the vision of a massive, digital movement to create a marketplace for arts, entertainment and media consumption.

The Infrastructure
Storage and streaming are now very cost efficient. Code libraries and APIs for backend and frontend systems are growing at a rapid pace. Task management and communication systems are globally workable. Last, but most importantly, mobile devices are now extremely powerful and can manage and provide online media from virtually anywhere.

Provider services
New recording and editing software and tools turn amateurs providers into professionals. They can now publish on social media for promotion and aggregators stream their media. They need a new way to monetize this content.

Fan engagement
Providers of media and entertainment focus more on fan engagement by organizing events, livestreams, curating playlists, selling merchandise and ticketing. Vloggers and bloggers are highly competitive utilizing promotion tools and collaborating with radio stations and TV channels. Pindify promotes collaboration across industries and genres with shared ownership rights and earnings distribution.

The medium for a decentralized service provides full transparency and operability for identity, publishing rights, content ownership, revenue share and payment distribution is continually ramping up.


New advertising distribution CAPITAL


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New music distribution CAPITAL


New sources of Capital

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New tech & media consumption



New tech & media capital

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Uneven distribution of capital



Subscription is a working strategy


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Subscription is now a common service



A Marketplace, not just a library of content

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The new advertising trend


The marketplace of engagement

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Enormous opportunity for an early market share